This Townscape Heritage Scheme successfully secured National Lottery Heritage Fund grant to preserve and enhance the historic townscape within the Walthamstow and St James Conservation Area.  Conservation Building Restoration and Repairs were undertaken, working with private property owners to deliver this successful scheme.  Supported by public realm enhancement works, the Council have delivered a high-quality scheme, with associated activities to broaden people’s knowledge of the historic fabric of the area, and actively engaging key stakeholders and partner organisations.  

HERA have acted in the role of Project Monitor during the Development and Delivery Phases, providing expert advice on the application for National Lottery Heritage Fund investment.  Our extensive experience of working on Townscape Heritage Initiative and Townscape Heritage schemes has led to our continued role as Monitor during the Delivery Phase, to ensure funder requirements are met, and provide expertise and support.  All original outputs have been achieved, and the project now strives to increase the enhanced benefit, following an extension to the scheme.